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We start from the Kutaisi train station at 11 a.m. and head towards a little town of Mestia. The transfers takes around 3 hours, a bus for the group will be available for an additional fee. Mestia will be our starting point in this trip around Georgia.
2 TOUR DAY (02.11)
Koruldi lakes. First day is a warmup with some great views on the lakes. We will cross 15 km and will climb the hills to see Koruldi lakes in all their beauty. It will take us around 1.5 h to get to the peak of 1000 m above sea level.
See what is included in the tour price and check the additional costs carefully.
Mat, sleeping bag (min. t +3°С), lighter, swimwear
Trekking backpack (60-90 l), backpack cover, dry bag for docs and papers, several bags for clothes, dry bag for clothes
Passport, money/card, phone, insurance
First aid kit
Chapstick, Sun blocking cream, And-Aid, Anaesthetic pills, Personal medicines
Hygiene kit
Toothbrush, Paper towel, SoftFibre towel, Toothpaste
About us
We are a team of enthusiasts who believe that all kinds of travelling must be exciting, active and diverse. We organise trekking and hiking tours of various difficulty levels for those who want to go through a challenging experience or simply share our passion.
We plan really magnificent routes
You are in the hands of professionals
You are in a good company ;)
Tours for all levels
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